How it all started

As a mom of four amazing children, I know how hard it is to find quality entertainment for young children that does not involve a screen. There are trampoline parks for older children, but what about the young babies and toddlers?  My children are a bit older now, and I want other families to have a safe place to let your child run wild and explore their senses. I look forward to giving your family a safe place to let your children develop and strengthen their senses!

What is sensory play?

When you think of your senses, you typically think of the five senses: taste, touch, sight, hearing, and smell. Did you know there are 2 more?  These very important senses are the proprioception and vestibular. The proprioceptive system helps with your awareness of your body in space and the vestibular system helps process movement and balance. The benefits of strengthening these systems are improved brain pathways, enhanced memory, developing fine and gross motor skills and coordination, along with many more. We strive to provide a variety of experiences that strengthen these two systems in a unique indoor play area.

Our play area

Our play area is designed to engage several senses at once. There are noisy, busy, active areas along with quiet and calm areas. All of our activites help engage the brain to enhance language development, small and gross motor skills, and social development.


  • Different types of swings
  • Types of heavy work
  • Building blocks
  • Soft seating
  • Bubble lamp
  • Deep pressure activities


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